
AI Immersion Seminar


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Articifial Intelligence or AI is the buzzword that everyone is talking about but are often uncertain what it means for them and their business. In this interactive seminar we’ll discuss what AI is and how it is changing the world as we dive into:

-the threats and opportunities AI presents and how it works;

-the limitations of AI;

-the different types of AI tools;

-the AI tools that make the most sense for you to use to enhance your life, career, and business.

In addition, we’ll address your questions* with real time demonstrations and present some case studies of how AI can be applied in various situations.

Bring your laptop if you would like to participate in real time with some of the tools presented.

*Submit your questions to info@rbwn.org before September 24th.

We will address as many questions as is practical for the timeframe available and try to cover as broad an area of information as possible.

For tickets and info, visit https://rbwn.org/event/ai-immersion-seminar/

Dominican University
470 Western Hwy South
Prusmack Center Fury Lecture Hall (ground floor)
Orangeburg, NY 10962
United States

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