Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson and Palisades Center Partner


Palisades Center proudly supports Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson’s (GSHH) Girl Scout Cookie Program®. This impactful entrepreneurial program powers amazing experiences for girls as they learn invaluable skills and the attributes they need, such as persistence, confidence, and healthy risk-taking, to become future business founders and leaders.

On weekends through May 5, 2024, Palisades Center’s guests can purchase their favorite Girl Scout Cookies at the cookie booth on Level Three in the Food Court. All the proceeds stay local, funding GSHH’s projects, experiences, and important programming.

"Supporting non-profit organizations like GSHH is important to the Palisades Center team," said Darrin Houseman, General Manager of Palisades Center. "We are happy to provide free space for non-profit organizations to achieve their goals. We wish the GSHH a successful cookie season."

GSHH Interim CEO Helen Wronski said, "The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, which allows Girl Scouts to fund their troop and personal financial goals. These goals can be anything from purchasing their own Girl Scout membership or buying their own uniform, to funding a week of summer camp, or traveling abroad with their Girl Scout Sisters. We are so thankful to community partners like the Palisades Center for once again providing a place for Girl Scouts to hone their entrepreneurial skills and achieve their goals."

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