
WHAT: The Westchester County Office of Economic Development is pleased to announce the return of Launch1000, an idea accelerator that provides step by step, immersive, action-based learning to de-risk any new business idea before going to market. New to the Program this year is the addition of a dual language cohort (English/Spanish) with a minimum of 100 seats available. To learn more about the program, REGISTER for one of the following informational sessions:
Sessions in English
Tuesday, March 22, 9am – 10am
Thursday, March 24, 12 noon – 1pm
Tuesday, March 29, 10am – 11am
Thursday, March 31, 12 noon – 1 pm
WHO: All County residents are eligible to apply! Launch1000 is for everyone. This radically inclusive program works for products, services, social enterprises, non-profits, small local business ideas and large global business ideas. It also features a Dual Language Cohort(Spanish/English) to make the program accessible to more County residents.
DEADLINE: Applications close on Thursday, April 14.
Apply Now:
CONTACT: / Please put Launch1000 in the subject line of the email.
The Westchester County Office of Economic Development works to improve the County’s economic well-being and quality of life. This includes a broad range of activities to attract, create and retain jobs, and to foster a resilient, pro-growth and inclusive economy. For information, visit
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