59° and Light drizzle

Today: Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 59 and low of 57 degrees. Patchy rain nearby during the morning, light drizzle in the afternoon, patchy rain nearby for the evening,
High: 59°
Low: 57°
Wind:12 MPH from the NNE
Chance of rain: 92%
Sunrise: 05:37 AM
Sunset: 08:09 PM
Humidity: 93% humidity
Total precipitation: 0.14 inches

Spring Valley, NY Weather for the Next 7 Days

Friday May 17
Partly Cloudy , with a high of 74 and low of 53 degrees.
High: 74°
Low: 53°
Wind: 7 MPH ESE
Chance of rain: 0%

Partly Cloudy in the morning, sunny for the afternoon, partly cloudy in the evening, cloudy overnight.

Saturday May 18
Sunny, with a high of 74 and low of 55 degrees.
High: 74°
Low: 55°
Wind: 5 MPH SE
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny in the morning, partly cloudy overnight.

Sunday May 19
Sunny, with a high of 73 and low of 52 degrees.
High: 73°
Low: 52°
Wind: 7 MPH ESE
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny during the morning, clear overnight.

Monday May 20
Sunny, with a high of 77 and low of 51 degrees.
High: 77°
Low: 51°
Wind: 4 MPH SSE
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny during the morning, clear overnight.

Tuesday May 21
Sunny, with a high of 82 and low of 55 degrees.
High: 82°
Low: 55°
Wind: 7 MPH SSW
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny in the morning, clear overnight.

Wednesday May 22
Sunny, with a high of 81 and low of 58 degrees.
High: 81°
Low: 58°
Wind: 11 MPH SSW
Chance of rain: 0%

Sunny in the morning, clear overnight.

Spring Valley, NY weather at a glance

Q: What is the weather in Spring Valley?

A: Current conditions in Spring Valley NY: 59° and Light drizzle

Q: Is it raining in Spring Valley?

A: Yes. Current conditions in Spring Valley NY: 59° and Light drizzle

Q: What is the temperature in Spring Valley?

A: The temperature in Spring Valley NY is 59 degrees.

Q: What time is sunset in Spring Valley?

A: The sun will set in Spring Valley NY at 08:09 PM

Q: What is the weather tomorrow in Spring Valley?

A: The weather tomorrow in Spring Valley NY: Partly Cloudy , with a high of 74 and low of 53 degrees. Partly Cloudy in the morning, sunny for the afternoon, partly cloudy in the evening, cloudy overnight.