
This week I was invited to Temple Hill Academy in New Windsor New York to work with over 200 students ages K through 8 on relaxation and visualization techniques to minimize stress and anxiety to calm their body, mind, and spirit. We also focused on strategies for positive self-talk, positive thinking, and ways to create powerful positive imagery for confidence and goal setting. The day began with two assemblies in the gym each with 50 Temple Hill kindergarteners and a lesson on belly breathing. The young scholars each received a breathing buddy (small stuffed animal) to assist them with learning how to belly breath. These exercises help them to "quiet their bodies" when they are struggling to focus or are overwhelmed by their energy or emotions. Sitting in a horseshoe shape on the gym floor, they gave their full attention to their new furry friend as I asked them to relax on their backs with their knees pointed up and feet flat on the ground as they placed the stuffed animal on their belly. I guided them through deep breathing exercises expanding their bellies like a balloon and they loved the idea of rocking their new friend to sleep as their bellies rose and relaxed while calming their own bodies and minds.
For the younger groups I also introduced them to my favorite snow globe visualization exercise for calming and clarity of mind. The snow globe exercise is one of my favorites for both kids and adults because it’s easy to grasp at any age and can be done in a short amount of time when needed. First we started with talking about feelings and what they can do when they are not feeling calm, whether it’s frustration, anger, sadness, or just excess energy that they don’t know what to do with. It happened to snow that morning so it was a perfect setting to focus on this kind of visual exercise. I brought one of my favorite snow globes with me to help them create a mental picture. We talked about how we all sometimes feel like our minds can feel like a shaken snow globe filled with all of our stress and worries swirling around, feeling overwhelmed. As I worked them through calming breathing techniques we visualized the snow slowly settling to the bottom of our minds with each exhale into a soft white blanket of snow. It was wonderful to watch a room with 50 small children get calm, quiet, and focused. My heart was full as I received many hugs as each group returned to their classrooms.
Throughout the day I worked with students in grades 4, 6, 7 & 8 focusing on goal setting, doing their personal best, and overcoming anxiety. For the older groups and honors students we explored more advanced relaxation exercises, guided imagery, creativity, and goal setting. We worked on positive psychology techniques, visualization, and positive self-talk for creating and reaching their dreams for the future. It was an amazing day filled with powerful Q & A on how to find calm and confidence, and how to tune out the negative noise.
I was thrilled when the Assistant Principal of the school reached out later in the week to tell me that one of the young boys who often struggles with containing his energy and emotions not only continued using the calming exercises but actually started leading classmates through calming exercises in other classes to show what he had learned!
Click here to see more on the school districts website:
Patricia Stark is a professional speaker, communication coach and trainer, and Author of Calmfidence - How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight. Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Audible, and your favorite bookstore. Order Your Copy Here
As President of Patricia Stark Communications and Calmfidence® Workshops she provides Personal & Professional Development coaching and training focusing on public speaking, media training, virtual presentation training, talent development, body language, emotional intelligence, stress & anxiety relief, and peak performance for Adults and Teens. A Certified Personal & Executive Coach (CPEC of the CaPP Institute -Coaching & Positive Psychology) & a Certified Body Language Trainer (Body Language Institute Washington DC), Patricia holds certificates in Eclectic Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Visualization/Guided Imagery (LIU).
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