In the book “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie talks about living in day-tight compartments. Learning to focus on one day at a time instead of worrying about yesterday, today, and tomorrow simultaneously. This is terrific advice to counteract stress and anxiety. But when we chunk our day down even further into digestible bites in planned time frames, it allows us to fully focus even further on one main thing we want or need to accomplish throughout the day. The result – we feel less overwhelmed and actually become more productive. Live in hour-tight compartments.
- Set a timer for reminders, and to stick to the length of time you have committed to.
- Schedule time for the important things like self-care, relaxation, and time with family and friends.
- Pay particular attention to those things that you never seem to have enough time for and ultimately regret that you didn’t get to.
- When you're with someone in person, over the phone or on a video call, aim to give them your full-undivided attention.This is a rare and much needed type of attention that human beings crave. People can tell when they don’t have it. They may not always remember what you say but they will remember how you made them feel. Make them feel that they are the most important person in the moment.
- Prioritize your to-do list with the things that must get done today followed by things that would be ok to push until tomorrow.
- Be conscious of things that a steal away your attention without you even realizing it. Turn off notifications during time frames that require your full attention. Turn off your phone. If social media is something you enjoy or even need to use for work purposes, designate a specific time for it, instead of checking it randomly – it's a notorious thief that wants to steal your time and focus.
- Run your own race.Tend to your own garden. Don't compare and despair. Spend time carefully cultivating your goals, dreams, and experiences instead of getting caught up in what it “looks” like other people are achieving (they're only showing you their highlight reel any way. You'll rarely see the bad days.) And on the flip side, you may not realize all the time and hard work that went into someone else’s success when it appears so easy from the outside looking in.
- Remind yourself that every person in the world gets the same 24 hours and day, 7 days a week. Make the most of the time that has been given to you but remember, that means a balance between achieving, believing, resting, and sharing with others.
Patricia Stark is a professional speaker, communication coach and trainer, and Author of Calmfidence - How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight. Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Audible, and your favorite bookstore. Order Your Copy Here
As President of Patricia Stark Communications and Calmfidence® Workshops she provides Personal & Professional Development coaching and training focusing on public speaking, media training, virtual presentation training, talent development, body language, emotional intelligence, stress & anxiety relief, and peak performance for Adults and Teens. A Certified Personal & Executive Coach (CPEC of the CaPP Institute -Coaching & Positive Psychology) & a Certified Body Language Trainer (Body Language Institute Washington DC), Patricia holds certificates in Eclectic Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Visualization/Guided Imagery (LIU).
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