
I recently attended a presentation in a hotel conference room to hear a
famous sports coach speak about his training and motivation techniques.
I had watched a documentary on him and purchased several of the many
books he had written. I must admit I was a little obsessed and super
excited to finally get to hear and see him in person. To my surprise and
dismay he was a low talker! I was up front in the second row and still
struggled to hear what he was saying. The hotel staff came in several times
and turned up the volume on the sound system, but the problem was
that he had a mellow speaking style and was not holding the microphone
close enough to his chin. He kept the microphone down by his chest and
spoke softly—nothing the staff did helped. He had golden information
and fascinating stories to share, but we all had to work so hard to try to
hear him that many of us started giving up and tuning out. Restless energy filled the room. To make matters worse, even though he was holding his microphone, he stayed locked behind a podium that served as a barrier between us. This went on
until it was time for a break.
At the break, I approached one of his associates to ask if they could tell
him to hold the microphone up closer to his chin. Their answer surprised
me. They told me he didn’t like using a microphone! As my eyes widened I told them while that might be the case, no one in the room could
hear him and people were starting to leave, so they better tell him to use it. When
the break was over he did start to hold the microphone closer to his
mouth, but then quickly dropped back into the old position—and once again we all struggled to hear him. Here was a situation where I eagerly wanted
to hear everything this man had to say yet I found myself wondering how
long I had to sit through this pain.
Imagine if your audience isn’t as excited as I was to see this guy in the first place. Don’t make your audience have to work so hard to hear you.
Keep in mind that people naturally tune in and out, thinking of other
things, as they listen to even the best speakers. Attention spans are getting
shorter with the way we receive and digest information in a
digital world. If an audience can’t hear the speaker well, they will give up and tune out. Always aim to be heard by the furthest person away from you. Keep the microphone close to your mouth. Project and bring your volume up. Another bonus that comes with speaking up - people always sound more confident when they speak loud and clear. (Even when they are nervous).
Patricia Stark is a professional speaker, communication coach and trainer, and Author of Calmfidence - How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight. Available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Audible, and your favorite bookstore. Order Your Copy Here
As President of Patricia Stark Communications and Calmfidence® Workshops she provides Personal & Professional Development coaching and training focusing on public speaking, media training, virtual presentation training, talent development, body language, emotional intelligence, stress & anxiety relief, and peak performance for Adults and Teens. A Certified Personal & Executive Coach (CPEC of the CaPP Institute -Coaching & Positive Psychology) & a Certified Body Language Trainer (Body Language Institute Washington DC), Patricia holds certificates in Eclectic Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Visualization/Guided Imagery (LIU).
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