
Good morning! I sincerely hope that wherever you are, you and your family are safe and well.
As we go about our day, enjoying the beautiful weather and peak fall colors here in the Hudson Valley, it’s easy to forget that just a few weeks ago, Hurricanes Helene and Milton made landfall, forever changing countless lives and communities. Many of us may feel a mix of sadness for those affected and a sense of helplessness in the face of such powerful forces. While meteorologists called Milton a “once-in-a-lifetime storm,” with the current climate trajectory, it’s hard to believe it will be the last of its kind.
I typically avoid dwelling on negative news, even in my own life, and I certainly don’t make a habit of writing to you about it. That’s because I truly believe that whatever we focus our energy on grows in our lives. When I write to you, I do my best to focus on uplifting, positive topics rather than heavy or negative headlines. I much prefer to save this space for something that’s fresh, inspiring, and leaves you feeling empowered.
The recent hurricanes, along with record-breaking heat in the Phoenix area—where temperatures of 110°F are now being recorded later in the year than ever—have made the reality of climate extremes hard to ignore, often leaving us with a sense of powerlessness.
I write this article because I believe the same part of you that chose to join the My Mindful Kitchen community is the part of you that watches these events unfold with concern and worry, leading to feelings of fear and anxiety.
Like me, you might raise an eyebrow when someone calls this a "once-in-a-lifetime storm" and think, “Really? Is it, though?”
You, like me, might worry for your children or grandchildren and the world we’re leaving for them.
Even now, though, how we frame these parts of ourselves matters deeply. This is the part of you that recognizes something is wrong with how we’ve treated our planet. It’s the part of you that loves your children more than anything and wants to leave them a world (and a home) where they can grow into all that you dream for them.
I’ve shared this quote before, but I feel it’s a good time to share it again:
One way to interpret this is that we can’t do great things. But the way this Mindful Foodie chooses to read it is that each and every one of us, every single day, has the power to do small things with great, incredible, profound love.
When you prepare a meal for your children because it’s their favorite, that act of cooking with love matters greatly.
When you go out of your way to learn more about your food’s journey so you can show greater respect for the farmer and all the resources it took to bring that food to your table, that is an incredible act of love.
When you give—whether it’s food or money—to a local organization to help others put food on their tables, no matter how big or small the contribution, you are demonstrating genuine love. And it matters!
And you know I’m a firm believer in this: wherever you focus your energy, that is what grows in your life.
The fact is these storms are not once-in-a-lifetime events—climate change is an undeniable reality. Though the problem is enormous, we all have the power to make an impact.
Instead of my usual tip-of-the-week section, I want to share two resources with you this week:
None of us can "solve climate change" alone, but all of us can focus our attention and energy on making choices and building habits that support the planet.
This week, when I find myself feeling fearful, I’m using my mindfulness practice to stay rooted in love. I hope these few minutes together help you do the same. ❤️ 🌱
As I mentioned last week, my sincerest thoughts and prayers are with anyone affected by these storms. Our entire community has you in our hearts.