Join the Rockland Duck Derby - Support Local Charities


Get ready for an exciting new FUNdraiser, the Rockland Duck Derby, where 5,000 rubber ducks will set off from the starting line at Germonds Pool and compete to see which three ducks will cross the finish line ahead of the others.

It will take place on August 5th at 9:30AM at Germonds Park in West Nyack. First place prize is $1000, second place is $750 and third place is $500. Four local charities will benefit from the proceeds-Good Samaritan Hospital, The Rockland Community Foundation, United Hospice and Jawonio. 

Adopt your ducks today by visiting

Spread the word by liking and sharing the Rockland Duck Derby Facebook page with your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. Remember, you don't have to be present at the event to win.

For questions, feel free to reach out to Amy Stern, or Julie Sadowski,

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